Fifteen Years
Fifteen years ago, I was 22 years old and living in New York City. Five years later, I decided to write down my memories in a journal. ...
So Long, Summer
Well, there it is. The letter that just about sums up summer in our house. In case you're having trouble reading it, the note reads:...
Thank You, Olympics
I am an Olympics junkie. I seriously can't get enough. You can catch me, glued to the T.V., at one o'clock in the morning pretty much...
"Hippogriff" by Gustave Doré for Orlando furioso Enough. Philando Castile. Alton Sterling. Dallas. Orlando. That's in the past month....
I'm Not Raising Rapists
Or, rather, I'm actively trying not to. With the news over the past few weeks of the Baylor University rape cover-up scandal and, more...
I'm stuck. Totally stuck. Here's what's going on over here: Write it. Read it. Hate it. Delete it. [Repeat.] It's not that I don't...
The Wilds of the Suburbs
When I was a kid, we didn't have cable. Well, we had cable when I was really little, but when I reached elementary school age, my...
This Mother's Day
It's Mother's Day weekend. Like many of you, I have mailed my cards to my mother, mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law who are also mothers....
In Memoriam: My Chanel Sunglasses
In what may be the most privileged, first-world-problem post to have ever been written since the beginning of time, I must tell you that...
To My Friend, the New Mom
I see you. I mean, I really see you. I see you basking in that new-mother glow, holding your precious child close to you, smelling her...